Was looking through some pictures of you, and discovered as of today I have 4,425 pictures/short videos of you. Honestly, I only like about 9 of them... :) I have missed some great shots because you were moving (I have so many blurry pictures of you while you were smiling), or there wasn't enough light to get a good picture of you, so I have decided to use you as an excuse to get a new camera (and probably for the first time, your mother was positively encouraging me to get this new toy).
So this past Saturday I went to AVCamera (quite a well known camera store) to get myself a Nikon D90, it was a difficult choice between this and the Canon 50D... as this was to be my first SLR and due to my photographic need (basically, just taking pictures of you and your mother) the 50D came out second (it isn't really fair to compare these two, different price point and segment)... besides, I think D90's body looks better :)
As far as I could remember Nikon L35AD (QD) was given to me by your grandfather, it was extensively used during my years at Wellington (1986 - 1991) (this is a boarding school, so you can imagine the content of the pictures... arses and fire everywhere).
Then there was a huge gap until I bought my own (2002), a Canon S40 (somehow there wasn't a need to have a camera for several years)
Canon G6, obviously came after the S40... (running out of stuff to write). I had actually had 2 G6s... the one that I had bought was stolen when your mother and I went to help out with the Tsunami in the South of Thailand. Your grandfather was kind enough to have bought the replacement
I was in love with the G6, and hadn't wanted to step up to the DSLR (too big), thus the logical step was to move to the G7, this model had a lot of flack from almost everyone... the lens was too slow, the screen was fixed, no raw and etc... Bought it anyway, come on... a black G7...
So, here it is, the latest toy... having loads of fun with it, it is so easy to upgrade the hardware (as all you need is money), it will be a total waste if I don't also improve the photographic skills. Just bought a book, and have been asking around for tips, no wonder why some people are so addicted to this...

Not too bad…
Just stuck the dial on P... spruce up the exposure just a little... then click away... there must have been over 150 clicks on the first day... was not disappointed... far better than any pics. from the Point & Shoot... the whole experience was superb... taking a photograph with a DSLR was rather addictive... :) (P.S. the VDO capability is terrible, extremely choppy... maybe needing a faster lens).
Can not wait to be have more skills and needs, to give myself a good enough reason (also to your mother) for me to move to the level of D700 or 5D Mark ii...
Love you.