Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another grrrreeeaaatttt idea (no sarcasm here)

The day without school has your mother and I in a bit of a twist trying to keep you occupy, especially in the morning. Well, your mother decided to take you to Suan Lum while the sun was just getting out of bed (really early in the morning). 
What a different Suan Lum this was, I never knew that the busiest time in Suan Lum was in the morning, generally there were less people exercising, but at this early time Suan Lum becomes a real ‘community’ hub, mostly for the Chinese senior citizens.
All this was nothing new to your mother, she used to come here for a run before going to church then work (as a result she was always late), so she knew exactly where to go… she took us to probably the best food court in greater Bangkok :) Sorry no pics, as always you were such a handful :)


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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here we go again :)

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Here we go again, it seemed like for the past couple of months it has either been one thing or another with you, we have now identified that you need to take your congestion med. but on the other hand your temperature keeps going up and down, you’ll be normal for a couple of days, then suddenly your temperature would just shoot up to 38.5c.

Your school had just come out to inform all parents that the 2009 Flu (H1N1) is now back, and several students have already been diagnosed with it.

However, since this past Saturday (eyes left), you have been fine so far (fingers cross), your appetite is kind of returning (just have to make sure that you are hungry, and your mother needed a patience of a Saint), just to round things up, your hair is not falling out so much now either.

It is so good to see your mother happy again, now that you are eating once more… :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We are now officially ‘City Mice’ :)

DSC01292After weeks of shopping (much to your mother’s delight) and me watching over the installment of the curtains, wallpapers and all of the furniture, we all have officially turned into city folk on the 12th of September 2010... :) This was kind of a great timing, as this was a Sunday and so the traffic was almost non existence, the weather was also on our side, as for the first time in several days the rain cloud was no where to be seen.

Being Chinese/Thai, we have our little quirks of various traditions, the Sunday we had chosen to move in was an ‘auspicious’ day :), so that made your grandmother even happier. Now what exactly governs which day to be ‘auspicious’? I have no idea, Chinese astrology may have something to do with it, all I know is that we have this massive Chinese calendar that tells us when it would be a good day to do things... :)





DSC01298With just a little over a week now behind us, you’ll be glad to know that you are still late getting to school... lol…, well at least you don’t have to spend 2 hours in the car every morning, this is simply because we are still settling in, over the past week I had to drive up to the house almost every night either to pick things up or drop things off, well at least driving at night was a singe.

All of the trouble with moving and other headaches associated with it, is now paled in comparison to you not eating and general poor health, and with the latest episode of you shedding is just driving your mother and grandmother crazy... We took you to your regular Dr. a couple of weeks back, she said it was nothing to worry about, as the falling hair could be because of you not eating.

DSC01345However, we were not so sure, so last Sunday we took you to a specialist, she was very thorough, and came up with pretty much the same conclusion of ‘nothing much to worry about at the moment’, interestingly she did ask us to keep a count of your fallen hair, so this is now added to our daily routine... 100 hairs/day??? Luckily, so far I don’t think you have reached the 100 mark, but the medicine and olive oil is helping a lot as only this morning your hair count had drastically dropped.

We have discovered a way to make you eat, it sounds terrible and very difficult to do, simply, if you turn down your food we just let it be, but no milk. Yesterday was the first day we tried this out, and it worked out great, it was gone eleven when you had your first meal of the day, you ended up walking into the kitchen and picked up your bowl then walked to your mother then started pointing to your mouth :) we were over the moon, unfortunately with your normal schedule we can not do this everyday, so milk and vitamins supplement will have to do for the time being.

DSC01330Another worrying thing is your temperature, last Thursday your temperature went up to the low end of 38c again, so for the past 5 days you have been on the meds, and now your temperature is at 37.4c, I am still unsure if this is your normal temperature or not, so we are going to wait a couple of days.

Well at least your stuffy nose is getting better, and you are still as cheerful as ever :) but the letter from your school had us all worried again... apparently H1N1 is on the prowls once more... at one time only three kids turned up to your class :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Something about it… :)


Not sure why I am so attached to this pic, probably because I know that you are loving this, hanging by your finger tips must have been really satisfying for a little monkey.

Or it could be because unlike so, so many other photos, you are actually looking right at the lens :)

By the way, we are planning to move this Sunday, I know that your mother is really looking forward to it. Soon you’ll be sleeping in a new bed (which we both think is too high off the ground).


Friday, September 3, 2010

Can too much ‘Giffing’ make you go blind :)

Matt Tumbling 2 better

Must give this ‘Gif’ thing a rest, it is doing my head in, with Photoscape, making Gif was just too simple.

Last night I Found myself putting together five or six gifs… all in all, it must have taken no more than 20 mins (max), but afterwards, due to the gif’s effect I spent like an eternity just staring at these silly jerky animations… totally transfixed…

So no more giffing around for a while, a long, long while… :)

A view from the 17th floor :)

From The Empire Place (426x640)

Baby, I took a day off today, needed to be at the condo to watch over the team who came to install the curtains… of course it didn’t turn out as planned, but close to it. 

The whole thing would have been so much easier if all the walls were made from concrete (cement) but instead part of some walls were just gypsum… :) Well, let us say, with perseverance almost all rooms now have curtains tonight.

This picture was taken a few days back… this place will change our lives for better or for worst (hopefully for the better), no more running around on grass, it will now just be on concrete, but at least there is a great pool :) and you don’t have to be spend hours and hours in the car anymore :)

We are aiming to move in, in about two weeks… The beds will be arriving this coming Monday, we are now looking to get all the small things to make it more homely, of course you won’t appreciate it (too young for that :) ), but I am hoping you will like it, because at the end of the day all this was done for you :)

Mum & Dad :)