‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ don’t you think? Here is a picture of you at about eleven weeks, during the scan you were dancing like mad, quite the opposite to Matt who was quite still during all scans.
So we were thinking that perhaps once you are in our arms you’ll be all ‘danced’ out, unlike your big brother, full of energy, as I am writing this I can hear him dancing/jumping to ‘Because I got high’ (Afroman) of all things :)
Matt gave us such joy so we decided to go for another, by the way I was just as nervous as before, but seeing you there just took me home :) Can not wait to hold you :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Well, here we go again :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Over the &*%$^#@ moon :)
Since our return from a short break in Pattaya, you were still poorly, running a slight fever and your diarrhea wasn’t that much better, so the only thing to do was to give you the medicine, the much dreaded antibiotic.
The first bout was set for Monday (11.04.2011), as it turned out it was the worst ever, you had decided to grit your teeth which was like 'checkmate' in chess, this time you were in full control, if it wasn't so important and essential to your well being we would have given up, but of course we could not.
It must have been about seven or eight minutes in, after constant crying and screaming not to mention the tears running like rivers during a monsoon season, my patience was running thin. You decided to loosen your grit just a little, enough for me to try to inject in the med. of course you spat it all out, so I went back for a refill (much to your disappointment, which brought even more tears and screams).
Did I shout at you this time, 'no', but I was so, so close, the words were firmed and to the point, and I must admit it, it did have 'anger' mixed in because it was so frustrating! I ended up going for a couple of refill before I gave up and hoped that after all the mess, enough of the medicine would have gone down. By the time I was cleaning up my mind was already on the following morning, will it be this stressful again?
As you can guess by the title of this blog, things were fantastic the following morning... Your mother got into her 'hold Matt down position' and I was already in my ‘med. injection pose’, then your mother gave you this question, 'do you want Papa to give you the med or will you take it yourself', there was a very quiet whimper... "Matt do it", of course in my mind I thought for sure that you would spit every last drop out (only 5 cc).
The medicine was in a syringe, so we let you sucked the syringe a little followed by a gulp of water, this went on several times and after a couple of minutes you had swallowed all the med. without a single drop touching the floor. We can not tell you the jubilations and the cheering your mother and I had, the only thing that could bring me the same fantastic sense of joy would probably be seeing England winning the world cup in 2014 :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
‘Blind Spot’ be gone!
It is just a 'repeater' how difficult can it be to set it up!
Since our move into the condo six months ago, we have always had this Wi-Fi blind spot in the far bedroom, although not surprising when the Wi-Fi router modem is on the furthest opposite side of the floor plan.
So it was about time to sort this out, the logical solution was to have a repeater in the bedroom, simple... Although having no experience in setting up a repeater, I wasn't expecting it to be that challenging, so no research was done... What a mistake that was.
Sunday morning, D Day, decided to drive to 'Fortune Tower', instead of the holy grail (Pantip), got there around 10:30, might as well be 3 in the morning, totally deserted but luckily my shop for all things 'network' was already up and running.
I was given two choices, D-Link or Asus (1,800 and 1,700 THB respectively) while D-link came with a life time warranty, I decided to go with the Asus instead, purely because it has a dedicated hard switch at the back for 'repeater'. I though 'this is perfect, easier than peeling a banana' (a very Thai expression).
A banana may be one of the easiest fruit to peel, but unfortunately on this occasion I was like a man with no hands whom was given a very raw banana to peel.
First of all, the shop keeper said “do you want to upgrade the firmware?”, who on earth would say no? (especially when they say it would make setting up easier). So off he went with swiftness of a hummingbird and a precision of a kingfisher, the firmware was upgraded literally in a few blinks of an eye.
Feeling pretty great, could not wait to kill that blind spot... It must have been just before noon when I was unboxing it at home.
Time warp... oh, I got it working alright, but it was almost one in the &*%$#@% morning!
Like I said, I should have done some research before hand... well, as it turned out the firmware that was updated by the salesman was a (very popular) third party firmware, although it is quite stable and very usable (seconds by several hundreds users), it has totally disabled the ‘hard’ selection switch (so the repeater choice was voided).
Decided to flush the firmware again, but his time using Asus’s own firmware... And ‘Sod’s law’ once again prevails :) I had made the wrong choice in reinstalling the official firmware, instead of using ‘update firmware’ procedures, I jumped at first option that I laid my eyes on and that was ‘firmware recovery’ (or something along that line).
After some furious fiddling, and praying, somehow the official firmware went in... and with a few tweaks, the Wi-Fi Router Modem (repeater mode) was running like a champion.