Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank You, Thank You for everything…

Windows Live Spaces logo c v

Got an email from Microsoft informing me that ‘Windows Live Spaces’ is moving into a retirement home… I never knew a death of an ‘on line’ service can make water welled in my eyes…

We certainly do go back a long way, I felt in love with blogging through WLS, then blogging turned into a semi-obsession through the discovery of ‘Windows Live Writer’… So I have a lot to be grateful to, to WLS…

It was nice for MS to offer a way to transfer it to ‘Wordpress’ (or another option was to download and delete it), but personally I have moved a long time ago to ‘Blogspot’, which as it turned out to have been a wise decision, in actual fact when I first started this journey I was torn between WLS or Blogspot, decided on WLS purely because of the name Microsoft, not knowing at that time that Blogspot (Google) was by far a more popular service, I remembered at that time saying its MS, they will never take it down :)

Later on, using WLS was just a pain and too frustrating (even with Windows Live Writer, the best tool in the Universe), so with one deep breath I jumped ship and started from zero with Blogspot, moving everything manually… If it was a semi-obsession with blogging after the discovery of Windows Live Writer, then at this moment with ‘Blogspot’ it is becoming an addiction :)

So, thank you MS for WLS, a million words of thanks will not be enough.