Saturday, December 4, 2010

What will this be?


For the past few weeks, this structure was (and still is) going up (bit by bit), I am still trying to figure out what it will turn out to be.

The location is quite unique, as it sits above one of the major crossroad in Bangkok, Sathorn – Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra, it links the BTS and BRT (‘sky train’ and ‘special bus service’ respectively).

A motorcycle taxi told me (as he screamed his thoughts while we were travelling at warp 9.9, dashing between cars stucked in traffic)… “IT WILL BE A FOOD COURT!” Imagine that, it  would be the funkiest food court in Bangkok, but it would be a real surprise if it did turn out to be what he had told me.

What will this be? Will it be some bold and fantastic art? Or just another waste of tax payers’ money… :)