Saturday, July 5, 2008

Gavin and Emma

Hello baby, just wanted to tell you about a couple of visitors we had a few days ago. Gavin and Emma was in Bangkok, uncle Gavin and I went to the same school (so many, many years ago), and we haven't seen each other for over 17 years!

IMG_1862_resize Because he was here for work, we only had the Sunday to meet up, it was fantastic, not only do I get to meet him but his wife as well (Auntie Emma, he is one lucky guy :)

18-06-2008 9-09-59 PM_0014_resize We had a nice lunch and then spent the afternoon in our house going through the old photographs that I had taken, and trust me Emma was enjoying it the most, to see Uncle Gavin trying to put a condom on his   head was a real surprise for her (condom on the head and setting fire to things seemed to be the normal progression of life in our house... I think it was kind of normal)


IMG_1791 You are growing so fast now, we have noticed that you have started  smiling and making funny sound, here is a recent pic of you...

We would love to know what you were thinking in the pic... hee hee :)

Today, Gio's parents are there, swarming all around you as usual :) and tonight my parents will be coming and they will also be all over you as well :)

Looking forward to your very first word, I wonder what it will be...



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