Early last Friday afternoon your mother called me while I was in the office, she was all fluttered, but the single sentence she said, was very clear… “P’John is no longer with us”.
Your mother went on to tell me all the information she had heard, and like all the others to whom I had later on spoken to, for a short while we were all in denial…
P’John (the letter P’ in front of a name means we treated him like an older brother/sister) came into our lives while your mother and I was still working at BMW (we weren’t even together then), he came to head up the Super Duper VIP Sales team, and that was where your mother was working (while I was in the Dealer Network Development), after BMW, P’John was the one who asked your mother to join him at Nok Air…
In a normal Thai Wedding’s reception, the bride and groom will have an elder (each) to give a short speech and blessing… in our case I had chosen my boss (P’Papon) and your mother also chose her boss (P’John) (whom happened to be classmate so many, many, many years ago), as soon as they opened their mouths we knew they were the wrong choice… haa haa haa, they ripped us to bits… what a great night…
Just wanted you to get the feel that I very much respected P’John although I was not as close to him as your mother was (no where near). I certainly was more than glad to see him when our paths crossed, he was a totally sincere person, very wise and knowledgeable, especially in the field of photography.
The final day of his funeral will be this coming Monday… it will be a very sad day, all our hearts are now with his wife (P’Gai) their daughter… there is nothing else to say…