There are a billion quote on ‘hindsight’ and believe me all of them are true :)
Every parents know, never get your kid a drum kit unless you have managed to soundproof your life or you happened to live in the Southern Aitken Basin.
Well, I am sure that the list go well beyond a drum kit now, but just in case it hasn’t been considered before, I would like to add the fantastic ‘Harmonica’ to the list of things never to buy for a 2 and a half year old boy.
He calls it his ‘Moo-nee-car’, and how I hate those three short syllables :) he is so attached to it, like water to fish, totally inseparable. Can you imagine giving a child a shower while he huffs and puffs away, totally tuneless, on the bloomin mo-ni-ca? ‘Painful’ would be the most fitting word, lol, the acoustic profile of a small bathroom doesn’t help either :)